Energy Forms and State of Matter
Question: How does heat affect the state of matter
and energy changes?
Click on the link
below to get some helpful hints and tips about the 3 states - solid, liquids
and gases. Click on the play video button to begin!
Activity one
for activity one below. It contains the three states of matter and arrows
linking them up.
One the sheet write down examples of solids, liquids and gases in the corner of each of the states of matter. These can be anything; it might be easier to start with some things that are in the room (don’t forget the air!).
Secondly, fill in the boxes that link the different states of matter with how the state of matter can be changed into the next. Think about ice, water and steam as examples, how do you turn water into steam?
One the sheet write down examples of solids, liquids and gases in the corner of each of the states of matter. These can be anything; it might be easier to start with some things that are in the room (don’t forget the air!).
Secondly, fill in the boxes that link the different states of matter with how the state of matter can be changed into the next. Think about ice, water and steam as examples, how do you turn water into steam?
Mini Experiment!
In this experiment we will be investigating the effect of temperature on how fast the molecules are moving in a liquid.
You will need:
Cold water (kept in the fridge overnight)
Hot water (ask your teacher for this)
Food dye
1. Pour 50ml of food dye into the warm water.
2. Observe how the food dye is combined into the water.
3. Take a photo of the food dye as it combines with the water.
4. Pour 50ml of food dye into the cold water.
5. Observe how the food dye is combined into the water.
6. Take a photo of the food dye as it combines with the water.
7. Compare the two incorporations.
In small group discuss your results. Discuss and write down why you believe the food dye in the hot water incorporated quickly and evenly while the food dye in the cold water was slower and formed patterns.
Also, discuss what would happen if the hot water was heated to the point of boiling? And the cold put in the freezer?
Activity Two
the handout for activity 2. (gas
liquid, solid)
In each box fill in everything you know about that state of matter. It can be new information from todays lesson, any prior knowledge you have, examples of solids, liquids gases and the observable properties of the three states of matter.
In each box fill in everything you know about that state of matter. It can be new information from todays lesson, any prior knowledge you have, examples of solids, liquids gases and the observable properties of the three states of matter.
Activity Three
Click on the below link to access the online simulation.
Experiment with the simulation to explore how heating and cooling
affects states of matter and energy changes.
Compete the document while experimenting with the online
Activity Four
Once you have completed the table you are to write a descriptive paragraph summarizing your findings using vocabulary you have learnt. Some words you may use include
matter liquid solid material combining energy
bonds shape
boiling pressure melting
temperature volume
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