Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Quiz time

Lets see what we remembered from the past 5 school days.

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 29th. We will have a quiz. If you have taken home the review/reinforce and use your notes to correctly complete it, you will do great on the quiz. 

The following are some question you may see.

The big question (the reason why we are learning this)

  1. Why do scientists use a standard measurement system?
  2. What are the basic SI units of measure for length, mass, volume, density, time, and temperature?
  3. Write the definition of mass/What tool do we use to find mass?
  4. What formula do you use to determine the volume of a rectangular solid?
  5. What are two scales scientists use to measure temperature, and what is the official SI unit?
  6. on what number is the metric system based?
  7. How do you find the density of a regular shaped object? example (a shoe box) 
  8. How do you find the density of a irregular shaped object? example (a rock)
If the link video does not work the this is the link 

Because we have being focused on math in Science we will be converting lengths and calculating Mass, Density and Volume

Sample Problem:

This chart is like the one we had for class and homework.
sheet of paper is 28cm. I want to now the length in Millimeters. I will move the decimal point one (1)  spot to the right > 280mm.
If i want to know the length of paper in Meters, I will move the decimal point to the left two (2) spots < .28m.

click on the picture to play for additional help. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Quizzes And Tests

Happy Wednesday!!!!

Tomorrow is what day?You guessed it, its Thursday!!! And on Thursday we tend to have Assessments. Sooo..... Study study study. (Hypothesis, Observation and Inference)

Still needed Materials

There are some students that still do not have the needed materials for Science Class. There is a post that has the full list of supplies. If there is a need, Please contact me so we can make a plan to ensure your child has what is needed

Thank you
Ms. Henry

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Inference and Observation


The student will be able to:

  •  Identify skills scientists use to learn about the world
  • Differentiate between inferring and observing

Do Now/Engage:

If you wanted to figure something out on your own, what steps would you take in order to do so? 


Walk around the room.  You have 2 minutes to make at least ten different observations that you can notice. 

 click on the link below to gain more information for inferring 

Key Vocab: Define

·        Observe
·        Infer
·        Qualitative
·        Quantitative 

Using your senses; please read the example
Place each of your observations into categories: observation or inference, qualitative or quantitative? 

Teacher will lead a few examples of observation or inference and have the students respond and understand the correlation between the two. 

 I see....                       What I know.......                                   My Inference 

1) A fan is blowing     When it is hot people put on a fan           It is hot in the room
2) Air fresher               It is used to make the air smell better      Ms. Henry wants the                                                                                                                                 room to smell better

Elaborate: Practice, click on the link below
